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A.Y. 2019-2020 EVENTS


A Tribute for Psychology Board Passers

A person fueled with spirit of will and determination will exceed challenges and celebrate his triumphs. This has been exemplified by our amazing fellow Psychology majors who passed the board exam for Psychologists and Psychometricians. Their success has shown a strong drive towards reaching their goals and eventually fulfilling their purpose in the field.


Birthday Surprise for our Beloved Professors

Birthdays may be dolled up with fancy decorations, material gifts and lively songs, but its significance will always be about the gift of life as one unfolds another chapter to write. Moreover, it comes best when celebrated with beloved ones.

Christmas Psych Soc Gift Giving

December is the twelfth and last month of the year yet it is the most awaited month by all, especially the youngest of children. It is a time of social gatherings, reunions, and gift giving. As children wait for gifts that they wish to have on Christmas, the Psychology family of Southville International School and Colleges acted as Santa’s helpers and spread the early yuletide spirit to the toddlers of CAA Phase IV-B Daycare Center last December 5, 2019.


Mental Health Talk 2019

The annual Mental Health Talk was held on October 22, 2019 at the Luxembourg Hall. Students from different courses of Southville college department gathered at the event, including Multimedia Arts, Communication Arts, Nursing, Business, Tourism and Psychology.  There are also guest schools that joined the event from South Mansfield, Southville (SISFU), Jesus Cares Academy, AMA, ASAT and St. Therese. 

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Art Appreciation for Everyone

An annual culminating event for Art Appreciation class was held last November 7, 2019, at the college hallway of Southville. Different students from Marketing, Financial management, Accounting and Psychology, under Ms. Thelma Badon’s class showcased their talent in many aspects of the program and each section aimed to hold the title for Art Appreciation competition champion for that year.

SISC College Purple Spirit

SISC College Purple Spirit, a 1-week activity, is one of the unique and engaging school activities of Southville for the college students from different courses. BS Psychology celebrated this activity with complete grit and enthusiasm. From the booth designing on the first day of the activity up to the last day, all Psychology major students cooperated and actively joined. The colorful booth means no matter how hard and challenging college life is, there shall always be beauty that fosters. This beauty can be seen in the eyes of Psychology students who are not just active academically, but also in curricular and co-curricular activities.

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Virtual Send-Off 2020

Beginnings are tough but exciting, just as how endings may come difficult but
promising for it opens new doors for another journey. As the years of fun and hard work in school finally come to an end, a heartfelt and memorable celebration was held to commend the success of our beloved graduating students. Last August 5, 2020 (Wednesday), a Virtual Send-Off for the BSP and MAP Graduating Students was prepared and done by the Psychology Society with the theme “Celebrating Achievements and Amazing Future Amid Challenges and Struggles: Grit and Growth Mindset”.

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General Assembly 2020

As the pandemic still continues to hinder classes from being physically conducted in school premises, Southville colleges have been embracing the implementation of online classes and successfully started a new semester last August 10, 2020. Recently, to welcome and appraise the last Academic year, their first online general assembly happened last September 2, 2020. In the morning, college courses were divided and scheduled in separate Zoom meetings to cater to all the students. Part of the first morning sessions included the Nursing and Psychology courses which was led by Dr. Carmelita Villegas of BS Nursing and Dr. Ruel Cajili from BS Psychology.


Opening of Classes 2020-2021

We welcome another year filled with grit and determination! Psychology Society Officers gave tribute and thanks to the School Management and Administration for their consistency and persistence in helping each and every student, ensuring everyone is receiving the best education to be lifelong learners and movers of society, and for their amazing planning that made a smooth transition from face-to-face class to Virtual Online Learning and Teaching (VOLT).

© 2020 by SISC Psychology Society

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